Frequently Asked Questions
Hopefully this page will be able to answer many of the questions you or your team's parents have. If you still have questions or would like additional information, please reach out to us!
How do you decide on the background?
We have a select few places we purchase great backgrounds from, so we look through our arsenal and decide on which one would best suit the colors & sport of the team we are shooting. Sometimes the point of contact already has an idea in mind so we will try to implement that.
What is the “buddy shots” portion in a Media Day?
This is everyone’s favorite part of the session. The beginning part is a series of poses that are all the same for the team. Then the Buddy Shot portion is when you get to do whatever you want with your friends slash teammates. This part is usually limited to a time constraint because if we left it open, no one would ever go home! We have had teams bring furry hats & boas, big chains, and even money guns. It's way fun!
How many poses do we get?
For league shoots, we usually do around 3-4, due to the volume of athletes we have to get through in a short amount of time. Coaches are always welcome to get a coach/kid photo, and siblings can get one together as well.
For Media Days, younger players & teams requesting Mini Media Days usually get around 4-5 poses, while the older players get around 6-8. This is subject to change at any time. All of our Media Day sessions also include the Buddy Shot portion as an option so players are able to add any additional poses they want by themselves or with a friend. -
Why don't you shoot full-body?
Most athletes are pretty excited when they realize they can just wear comfy shoes in the shoot and no one will ever know. To date, we have yet to have an athlete ask us to INCLUDE their shoes in their photo. The preference is usually thigh-up.
My kid came out shiny - what happened?
This can be due to several factors: The athlete was clammy or sweaty; they used shimmery makeup, glitter spray, or their skin was on the oily side. We try to catch this during post-processing but if you feel your image was missed or would like adjustments made, its a simple fix! Just shoot us an email and we’ll get you taken care of.
Do you offer videography services?
At this time, we are working out some kinks with a videographer who is AMAZING and will be contracted through us. We hope to have this as an add-on option in the near future!
When will I see my images?
Post-processing for leagues & media days usually takes about 2 weeks for a full turnaround. We aim for quicker with action shots since action requires much less processing time. This includes the delivery of the digital gallery as well as any products that were ordered. We may add an additional week to that if we are in the middle of our busy season. **Product will not be ordered until payment has been made from every player.
Can I post my images?
If you have purchased a digital download from us, you absolutely can! For volume shoots through our studio partner, PhotoDay, we offer a wide array of digital download options. Once you have purchased the download, it is yours to print & share.
For our Media Day sessions, the entire purpose is to give you - the athlete - ways to brand yourself across social media. Each gallery includes an email with a release form giving you permission for personal use in posting, as well as small-format printing.Please keep in mind that screen-shots of un-purchased images are illegal and subject to copyright laws. This also harms our business & livelihood!
Can I print the photos from my Media Day Session?
Yes you can! Once you create your account in the gallery, you will be emailed a print release that lays out the terms. Prints are for personal use only & up to an 8x10. Larger-format printing, banners, or posters must go through FSP Sports in order to keep our high quality standards and ensure that you receive only the best products!
Do you offer retouching?
Yep! We offer multiple retouching services. For our PhotoDay leagues, this is an add-on option at checkout. For Media Days, some are included in your session, and some come with an additional fee. Reach out if you would like to inquire about a specific retouching service.
How far do you travel?
We travel all over the state. We have photographed teams in Portland, Dallas, Houston, Austin, D’Hanis, New Braunfels area, and of course the San Antonio area. Keep in mind that the pricing will go up depending on the area we will be traveling to.
How many teams can you shoot in one day?
For our volume photography, we are able to handle leagues as large as 2,000 kids in a full 8-hour day. We have a fully trained staff that we hire to come out and assist on larger leagues. For our Media Day shoots, we like to cap ourselves at 2, maybe 3 teams max in a single day. This is to ensure the same quality is given from the first athlete, to the last.
What is your refund policy?
We do not refund digital files due to the nature of these items. If you are unhappy with your images, we can offer a full re-edit, retouching, or if time & schedules allow, a possible re-shoot (this is entirely circumstantial).
If your product arrives damaged, we will replace it at no charge.
We do not give refunds for things out of our control such as hairstyle, makeup choice, or negative body image.